Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) declared in his church service on Sunday 17th August2014 that the killer disease Ebola currently ravaging West Africa is
from 'the pit of hell'.
According to Joshua, who led his
congregation in prayer for the
nations and individuals affected,
time was up for the 'strange
ailment' and life would soon return to normal for the affected
"The so called strange ailment
coming from three nations –
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia…
satan is the manufacturer, the
source, " Joshua defiantly declared to the faithful.
"Begin to capture the
covenant of that strange
sickness, " the cleric then
enjoined the congregation.
"Command that strange ailment to
come out and go to the pit of hell,
in the name of Jesus Christ!"
"Because of Christ, people of
Liberia, Sierra Leona, Guinea,
you are released, " Joshua
bellowed, accompanied by the
vibrant congregants in a service
allegedly viewed by millions
worldwide through Joshua's
Christian television station
Emmanuel TV.
The controversial pastor boldly
declared that God had spoken to
him to pray for the nations
affected by Ebola as its reign of
fear was close to closure.
The pastor, cited to be one of
Africa's most influential
individuals, decried the toll Ebola had taken on society, especially in the areas of kinship and kindness.
"People are no longer their
brother's keepers because of
this strange disease ," he
lamented, adding that if someone
publicly collapsed from any form of sickness, people would likely
abandon the invalid as opposed to
lending a helping hand.
"Once satan takes love out of
people, he has taken life.
Satan is not happy that we are
one; he is against oneness. He
knows when we are not one,
we can be defeated, " he fumed.
"The weapon satan is afraid of
is love," Joshua continued.
"Satan can fight anything but
he cannot fight love."
The cleric then cited a poignant
question asked by Jesus in Luke
18:8: " When the Son of Man
comes, will he find faith on the
earth? "
He added that the prayer Jesus
offered for His followers' faith not to fail indicated challenges would arise in the last days which would make many 'abandon their faith',
Ebola being one such challenge.
Joshua made headlines this week
in local and international media for sending 4,000 bottles of 'Anointing Water' to the Ebola stricken nation of Sierra Leone on the request of the government, alongside $50,000 in humanitarian aid.
Last week, Joshua had to debunk a
rumour attributed to him that
went viral in Nigeria claiming that bathing in salt water would
prevent the disease. With over
1.2million followers on Facebook
and 90,000 YouTube subscribers, it is easy to understand why Joshua is touted to be among Africa's most influential individuals currently.
from 'the pit of hell'.
According to Joshua, who led his
congregation in prayer for the
nations and individuals affected,
time was up for the 'strange
ailment' and life would soon return to normal for the affected
"The so called strange ailment
coming from three nations –
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia…
satan is the manufacturer, the
source, " Joshua defiantly declared to the faithful.
"Begin to capture the
covenant of that strange
sickness, " the cleric then
enjoined the congregation.
"Command that strange ailment to
come out and go to the pit of hell,
in the name of Jesus Christ!"
"Because of Christ, people of
Liberia, Sierra Leona, Guinea,
you are released, " Joshua
bellowed, accompanied by the
vibrant congregants in a service
allegedly viewed by millions
worldwide through Joshua's
Christian television station
Emmanuel TV.
The controversial pastor boldly
declared that God had spoken to
him to pray for the nations
affected by Ebola as its reign of
fear was close to closure.
The pastor, cited to be one of
Africa's most influential
individuals, decried the toll Ebola had taken on society, especially in the areas of kinship and kindness.
"People are no longer their
brother's keepers because of
this strange disease ," he
lamented, adding that if someone
publicly collapsed from any form of sickness, people would likely
abandon the invalid as opposed to
lending a helping hand.
"Once satan takes love out of
people, he has taken life.
Satan is not happy that we are
one; he is against oneness. He
knows when we are not one,
we can be defeated, " he fumed.
"The weapon satan is afraid of
is love," Joshua continued.
"Satan can fight anything but
he cannot fight love."
The cleric then cited a poignant
question asked by Jesus in Luke
18:8: " When the Son of Man
comes, will he find faith on the
earth? "
He added that the prayer Jesus
offered for His followers' faith not to fail indicated challenges would arise in the last days which would make many 'abandon their faith',
Ebola being one such challenge.
Joshua made headlines this week
in local and international media for sending 4,000 bottles of 'Anointing Water' to the Ebola stricken nation of Sierra Leone on the request of the government, alongside $50,000 in humanitarian aid.
Last week, Joshua had to debunk a
rumour attributed to him that
went viral in Nigeria claiming that bathing in salt water would
prevent the disease. With over
1.2million followers on Facebook
and 90,000 YouTube subscribers, it is easy to understand why Joshua is touted to be among Africa's most influential individuals currently.
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